Casmara Peel-Off Face Mask
Beauty Skincare

Casmara Balancing Algae Peel-Off Mask

April 6, 2015

I had seen these face masks pop up in Boots one day and wondered if they were any good. I have always quite fancied mixing up a face mask myself and I just love a peel-off mask. Don’t you think it’s just complete satisfaction? I had never heard of the brand, so was a bit mystified whether to try it out or not. So very unlike me, without reading any reviews I delved in!

The Casmara peel-off masks have a few different ones in the range, there are four different lines to cover four different skin conditions. There is the Rejuvenating with revitalising gold, Purifying with refreshing Oxygen (not sure how!?), Balancing with calming properties and Hydra with anti-ageing and firming benefits. I decided to try out the Balancing and Antioxidant rich mask. This one has a calming effect on the skin which is obtained from seaweed extract, Goji berries and Quinoa seeds. My skin is very sensitive so I thought this would be a nice treat.

Casmara Face Mask

Inside the pot which is £9.99, you get a balancing cream in a tiny tube which is for pre application of the mask. Two sachets to mix up, a spatula and also you can use the lid as the mixing pot. So you have everything you need.

Casmara Balancing Face Mask

I carefully read through the instructions, which to be honest are in every language possible and a bit all over the place, but you get there in the end. I applied the balancing cream to my face, after this there was still plenty left in the tube. I wasn’t sure how many face masks this made but it implied just one so I went full in. I mixed sachet one which was a dusty red powder with sachet two a gel and mix fastly together until the mask was formed.

Casmara Facial Mask Review

You have to apply it quickly to the face, so I applied it in motions across starting from my forehead down. I was left with an awful lot of extra product, which would definitely have done another mask, but I’m not sure you can really fold up the gel packet and just keep it. I think this was be great if maybe was two of you and you and a friend can both use it together as otherwise there is just so much wastage.

Casmara Balancing Face Mask

Once the mask was on, it looked rather bizarre! I was debating whether to post this, but here you go, my mask in all it’s very baked bean looking glory!!!

Casmara Balancing Face Mask

It hardened in about 15 minutes and peeled off very easily in one easy swoop. I loved the feeling and my skin felt soft straight away afterwards. Overall I found it a bit of a faff to put together, expensive for just one use when there was so much product left over and I never really saw that much of a result afterwards. Yes my skin felt soft but nothing another mask or moisturiser couldn’t do.

Casmara peel-off masks are available at Boots.

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  • Reply
    April 6, 2015 at 17:39

    This is crazy hahaha literally like some potion making mask, I am sorry but I am so lazy I am not sure I could be bothered, does look cool though xxx

    • Reply
      April 6, 2015 at 17:43

      Ha ha it is kind of! Yeah me too lol! x

  • Reply
    Cassie Drover
    July 14, 2015 at 23:47

    You can actually apply those masks over your eyes and lips too so it acts as an eye/lip treatment. A little difficult to do yourself but if you have a friend to help it’s actually really nice.

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