Apple Watch Mickey Mouse face
Lifestyle Tech

5 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do With The Apple Watch

July 27, 2016

What do you get an Apple fan boy for his birthday? An of course. Now if like me and you tried the Apple Watch in an Apple store you don’t always get the best example of what it can do and how you can benefit from it. I just recently got my watch for my birthday and as I love my Apple Watch I wanted to share a few Apple watch hacks, for the things you maybe didn’t know you could do with it.

Customise Your Home Screen

Like me you might be a little gutted you didn’t get Mickey Mouse by default. You just need to hold down on the home screen and swipe right and left between your desired home screen designs. You can also customise the location, events and temperature. To add more apps to your home screen, go to the watch app, glances, edit and add your favourite apps.

Create New Messages

Create a new message by firmly holding down on the screen within the messages app and you will be able to create a brand new message. As you would expect for anything longer than a couple of words Siri is your friend. You can speak to Siri what you would like to say and it will put it together for you in a message, maybe just check it before you hit send.

Track Your Sleep

Track your sleep with Sleep++ app. The app lets you select when you go to bed and it works out how restless and how much sleep you have had. As you might expect you just have to tell it you have woken up. It leverages Apple’s health kit data so sends via your iPhone and you can keep track of your sleep and when you are most restless. Sleep++ is free and well worth downloading if you would like to understand your sleep patterns. 


Carrying on with Siri, you can use Siri to be your actual assistant by saying “Hey Siri”.  You need to ensure it is turned on, go to settings, select general, then Siri, then ensure it’s on and then say “Hey Siri”. 

You can also use Siri to find a song, flick between songs by saying “Skip”, ask “What song is this?” and even ask who is the artist “Who is singing this?”, “What album is this from?”. I find myself talking and using Siri a lot more with my watch than on my phone.

Clear All Notifications

Swipe down on the home screen to get notifications, hold down for a couple of seconds and then hit the ‘x’ to clear all. If you have a number of apps like I do this feature is really handy. It also might help you decide what you do and don’t need to reply to.

I never have my phone sounds on but as I now never really look at my phone, I have set vibrate up on my watch when I get calls, go to the watch app on your iPhone, select custom options and add haptic.

Have you got an Apple watch? Do you have any cool things you’ve found you can do with the watch?

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